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The Navalia module is a high-level manager that is used to balance and queue jobs against a browser (currently only Chrome is supported). Similar to web frameworks, the Navalia module doesn’t exit after all jobs are executed, but will hold onto the process until it’s terminated manually (CTRL+C). This allows for jobs to be ran against it asyncronously.

This document details the parameters you can use in constructing this module, which accepts a single argument: an object detailing the configuration.

You can view logs when the ‘DEBUG’ environment variable contains ‘navalia’ DEBUG=navalia node my-script.js


An optional parameter which is used to launch a number of instances for Navalia to manage. Defaults to 1. Navalia keeps these browsers open regardless of load due to high-latency when starting them.


const { Navalia } = require('navalia');

const navalia = new Navalia({
  numInstances: 2,


import { Navalia } from 'navalia';

const navalia:Navalia = new Navalia({
  numInstances: 2,


The maximum number of jobs that a browser can execute before being rebooted. This parameter defaults to -1, or no maximum.


const { Navalia } = require('navalia');

const navalia = new Navalia({
  maxJobs: 50,


import { Navalia } from 'navalia';

const navalia:Navalia = new Navalia({
  maxJobs: 50,


The time-to-live in milliseconds that a browser can operate before being rebooted. This parameter defaults to -1, or no TTL.


const { Navalia } = require('navalia');

const navalia = new Navalia({
  workerTTL: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2, // 2 hours


import { Navalia } from 'navalia';

const navalia:Navalia = new Navalia({
  workerTTL: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2, // 2 hours


The options to pass into each Chrome instance when started. The available options are:


const { Navalia } = require('navalia');

const navalia = new Navalia({
  chromeOptions: {
    maxActiveTabs: 10,
    timeout: 5000,
    flags: {
      disableSync: true,


import { Navalia, chromeOptions } from 'navalia';

const navalia:Navalia = new Navalia({
  chromeOptions: {
    maxActiveTabs: 10,
    timeout: 5000,
    flags: {
      disableSync: true,