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The coverage method checks the coverage info for a particular resource (JS or CSS). In order to collect coverage, you must call goto with a second parameter of { coverage: true }. This is so that Navalia can properly instrument Chrome to collect coverage.

This async method will return an object with these properties:

It’s likely that the Chrome browsers’s Coverage tab will report different percent numbers than Navalia. This is largely due to when you collect coverage information as more interactions on a page will return lower percentage of unused code. If you see wildly different percentages please file an issue.


const { Chrome } = require('navalia');
const chrome = new Chrome();

chrome.goto('', { coverage: true })
.then(() => chrome.coverage(''))
.then((stats) => console.log(stats)) // Prints { total: 45913, unused: 5572, percentUnused: 0.12135996340905626 }
.then(() => chrome.done());


import { Chrome } from 'navalia';
const chrome = new Chrome();

async function checkCoverage() {
  await chrome.goto('', { coverage: true });
  const stats = await chrome.coverage('');
  console.log(stats); // Prints { total: 45913, unused: 5572, percentUnused: 0.12135996340905626 }
