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Navalia is an easy-to-use browser automation framework that can also scale with just about any project. It has two primary objects: simplicity and performance. Browser automation should be an enjoyable experience and not a painful one.

Fork or view the source here.


Navalia is a “batteries-included” framework that offers all of the following features:

Getting Started

You’ll need some software already installed on your system before using Navalia:

  1. Chrome installed (more vendors to come soon) on your system.
  2. Node.js needs to be installed as well. You can install node here.
  3. If you wish to use a more strongly-typed experience, you can also install typescript.

Feel free to open an issue on GitHub.


The API for interacting with a browser is simple and chainable. You can call the methods individually and await/then the resulting value, or chain multiple together and collect their responses in a single result.


const { Chrome } = require('navalia');
const chrome = new Chrome();

  .type('input', 'Kindle')
  .then((responses) => {
    console.log(responses); // ['', true, true, true]


import { Chrome } from 'navalia';
const chrome = new Chrome();

async function buyItOnAmazon() {
  const url = await chrome.goto('');
  const typed = await chrome.type('input', 'Kindle');
  const clicked = await'.buy-now');


  console.log(url, typed, clicked);
