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The type method allows you to type text into an element. It accepts two arguments: the css-style selector of the element you want to enter text into, and a string of text to input.

Accepts a 3rd parameter of options for granular control: wait, a boolean to inform Chrome to wait for it’s apperance before executing (defaults to true), and a timeout number in milliseconds to throw when it doesn’t appear.

Returns a boolean indicating success.

It’s not necessary to focus prior to entering text


const { Chrome } = require('navalia');
const chrome = new Chrome();

.then(() => chrome.type('input[type="text"]', 'Navalia'))
.then(() => chrome.done());


import { Chrome } from 'navalia';
const chrome = new Chrome();

async function type() {
  await chrome.goto('');
  await chrome.type('input[type="text"]', 'Navalia');
